
Healthy Sleep Habits:
Uncover What’s Possible

Uncover What’s Possible With This #1 Health & Happiness Must-Have.

There’s a lot of talk about life hacks, shortcuts to weight loss, tips to improve your productivity, and morning routines to “slay your day.”

Well, we’re going to let you in on a little secret. And it all starts with something simple.

Do you know the #1 thing you can do for your health and happiness?

(If you guessed, sleep, you’re right!)

Not only does sleep directly impact your mood, but research shows it also helps you perform better at work, live longer, and generally make smarter decisions throughout the day. Good sleep helps everything else in life go more smoothly!

Healthy Sleep Habits: <br>Uncover What’s Possible RepairsRenewsSleep is good for your health.

If you’re not sleeping well, your health and mental well-being can suffer.

Sleep is when your body heals and repairs itself. It helps protect you against disease, lower your blood pressure, decrease stress, boost your mood, improve memory, and more.

And while it may feel like getting enough sleep isn’t important if you’re already feeling healthy—think again!

Sleep is also essential for your mental health. It impacts your ability to focus and learn and how you handle stressful situations. Restorative sleep allows your body and mind to reset each night, giving you the tools to manage all the ups and downs of daily living.

Healthy Sleep Habits: <br>Uncover What’s Possible IncreaseHappinessGreat sleep makes a difference in how you engage with the world.

Unfortunately, getting a good night’s sleep is a far-off fantasy for many people. You may get up early in the morning and stay up late at night, exhausted, but keep working hard. Yet science shows us that when you experience good sleep, you feel more alert, creative and productive. The benefits of great sleep go beyond feeling better rested—it also affects how you engage with your world daily. When you sleep well, you are likely to…

  • Be more productive at work or school because you aren’t as tired or distracted by fatigue.
  • Make healthier choices, like exercising regularly and eating a well-balanced diet.
  • Experience a happier outlook and less depression. Research shows that people who don’t get enough shut-eye experience symptoms like those associated with depression (feelings of sadness).

Healthy Sleep Habits: <br>Uncover What’s Possible ImprovesPerformanceSleep is linked to better sports performance and stamina.

Not only does sleep help athletes recover from workouts, but it can also help them avoid burnout.

This is because the body produces more human growth hormone (HGH) at night, essential for muscle repair and recovery. Research shows that sleeping just an hour less than usual could make you slower by almost 1% in a 100-meter sprint and 2% in a 5K race; this could be enough to not win a medal or get into college!

And sleep deprivation doesn’t just negatively affect athletic performance. Lack of sleep can lead to mood swings, anxiety, irritability, and depression—not great when trying to live your best life!

Create a habit of getting great sleep.

There are a lot of ways to make great sleep a habit.

Here are some ideas:

  • Set a regular bedtime—and stick with it! Try going to bed at the same time every night (even on the weekends) so that you wake up around the same time each morning–it’s easier on your body to stick to a schedule.
  • Exercise regularly (at least 3x per week). Regular physical activity helps give you energy during the day and allows you to rest more subtly at night.
  • Keep a screen-free sleep space. Designating your bedroom as a notification-free zone will help create a more peaceful, calm, sleep-friendly environment.

Make sleep a priority for healthy living.

By making the time to prioritize your sleep, you can do more of what you love and feel good doing it. You’ll be able to focus better, perform optimally, manage stress and anxiety, and stay positive throughout the day.

When you get great sleep, it makes everything else in life easier.

And if you need help finding the best sleep solutions for you—organic bedding, natural pillows, and handcrafted custom-fit mattresses—our sleep consultants would love to assist you.

Visit your neighborhood Custom Comfort Mattress Showroom today.


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