
Healthy Sleep Habits:
Master the Art of Cool Sleep for a Better You

Sleep Cool for Better Health


When getting your best sleep, temperature matters more than you might think.

Your body has a natural sleep-wake cycle—the circadian rhythm—influenced by your core body temperature.

As you wind down for the evening, your body temp naturally drops, signaling your brain that it’s time to rest.

So, a cool environment supports this natural decrease and helps you fall asleep faster and experience deeper, more restorative sleep.

Create a Cool Sleep Oasis


When summer days start to heat up, you can keep your sleep environment cool by following a few practical tips:

Healthy Sleep Habits:<br/>Master the Art of Cool Sleep for a Better You Group 4211

Optimize Airflow:

Keep your windows open or use fans to improve ventilation and promote air circulation.

Healthy Sleep Habits:<br/>Master the Art of Cool Sleep for a Better You Group 4212

Choose Breathable Bedding:

Opt for lightweight, natural fabrics like organic cotton or bamboo that allow heat to escape and keep you cool.

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Program It:

Automate your bedroom temp with a programmable thermostat or smart home technology for a consistently cool sleep environment.

Healthy Sleep Habits:<br/>Master the Art of Cool Sleep for a Better You Group 4214

Limit the Light:

Use blackout curtains or shades to block out sunlight during the day and keep your bedroom cooler. 

Healthy Sleep Habits:<br/>Master the Art of Cool Sleep for a Better You Group 4213

Upgrade to Natural:

Select a mattress with natural, breathable materials such as natural latex, cotton, or wool for excellent temperature regulation.

Refreshing Habits for Cool Sleep


Upgrade your nightly routine for refreshing, healthy sleep. Try a tip or two and feel the difference: 

Healthy Sleep Habits:<br/>Master the Art of Cool Sleep for a Better You Group 4220

Calm Your Mind: 

Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to feel a sense of peace before sleeping.
Healthy Sleep Habits:<br/>Master the Art of Cool Sleep for a Better You Group 4215

Set Your Rhythm:

Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day to regulate your body’s internal clock.
Healthy Sleep Habits:<br/>Master the Art of Cool Sleep for a Better You shower

Chill Out:

Take a refreshing shower before getting into breathable sleepwear. 
Healthy Sleep Habits:<br/>Master the Art of Cool Sleep for a Better You Group 4219

Fuel Smart, Stay Cool:

Skip heavy meals near bedtime to prevent digestion disruption. And stay hydrated for a balanced body temperature.
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Power Down:

Unplug from smartphones, tablets, and laptops, at least 30 minutes before bed to reduce exposure to blue light.
Healthy Sleep Habits:<br/>Master the Art of Cool Sleep for a Better You Group 4221

Cool Mask:

A cooling insert for a sleep mask can help lower your body temperature and reduce eye puffiness. Win-win!

Need help creating your own cool sleep oasis? Visit Custom Comfort Mattress for your mattress fitting and personalized sleep consultation.  

And enjoy the benefits of restorative sleep for better health and well-being. 

Sleep cool, sleep well, and wake up with renewed energy!

Want more? Get access to sleep wellness resources and healthy sleep tips.


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