Simple Strategies for a Smooth Transition
Ah, spring is just about here! The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and…wait, what happened to your sleep schedule?! Daylight saving time is coming up this Sunday, March 12. And with it comes longer days and the chance for more outside activities. But also the dreaded loss of an hour of sleep. 😴
However, with a bit of planning and simple, proven tips, you can survive this annual disruption and return to feeling like your well-rested self. And since March is National Sleep Month, it’s the perfect time to prioritize your sleep and ensure you always get the rest you need. As the clocks spring forward this Sunday, here are a few tips you can start using today to ensure an easy transition and your best sleep yet:

Gradually adjust your sleep schedule a few days before the time change. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier each night to ease into the new time.

Head outside in the morning and soak up some natural light. Your body will thank you for it, and you’ll feel more alert throughout the day.

Create a calming evening ritual, whether a warm bath, a good book, or gentle yoga. Find something that helps you wind down and prepare for sleep.

Ease off caffeine and alcohol. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but these can disrupt your sleep and make adjusting to the time change harder.

Comfort is key.
Make sure your sleep environment is comfortable. You spend about 1/3 of your life in bed, so invest in a customized mattress and natural bedding that provide the support and comfort you need.
Remember, adapting to a new sleep schedule can take time, so be patient with yourself. With these tips and a few adjustments, you’ll be on track to get healthy, restorative sleep in no time. So you can enjoy long days of sunshine and feel your best!
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